Value for Wednesday of Week 03 in the season of Dormancy


There is no justice without sharing, for justice is about more than the self.

  • Fine sermons have been preached on the text that those who have should share with those who have not, but he who would act out this principle is speedily informed that these beautiful sentiments are all very well in poetry, but not in practice. “To lie is to degrade and besmirch oneself,” we say, and yet all civilized life becomes one huge lie. We accustom ourselves and our children to hypocrisy, to the practice of a double-faced morality. And since the brain is ill at ease among lies, we cheat ourselves with sophistry. Hypocrisy and sophistry become the second nature of the civilized man. But a society cannot live thus; it must return to truth or cease to exist. [Pyotr Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread (1892), Chapter 1, “Our Riches”.]
  • . . . if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other . . . [Mother Teresa]
  • There is nothing like a shared interest to draw people together. [E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly (Baltha Publishers, 2018).]
  • When we share love, love multiplies. [attributed to Mihail Militaru]

When John Lennon imagined a future of “all the people sharing all the world“, he did not mean that some should work while others leeched off the fruits of their labors. Lennon accumulated wealth and lived very well. His vision means that we must all share the world’s resources, recognizing that each of us is here by the grace of birth and that the wealth we enjoy is a product of thousands of years of human innovation in which we played no role at all.

This conception of justice recognizes both the virtues and the limits of free enterprise. It demands social, political and legal rules that continually renew the opportunity to compete and thrive, while simultaneously rewarding work and innovation. It is a balance, which requires sound judgment and a kind spirit, not a dogma capable of rigid implementation.

Greed is a vice, not a virtue. Working hard and enjoying the fruits of our labors is a value but limits are necessary. An ethical life is not a Monopoly game, in which someone accumulates all the assets and leaves everyone else with nothing. How fair the rules may have seemed to be is not the ultimate test of justice; the consequences must be evaluated and continually re-evaluated.  If people are left with nothing, they have no practical future opportunity and few means by which to succeed. Virtually by definition, prosperity must be shared, or it is not prosperity for most people. Such a state of affairs does not generate future prosperity but instead leaves most people struggling to survive. By such means do great nations decline, as appears to happen repeatedly in the United States.

A humane conception of justice recognizes these truths. The binding principle is that justice demands that the means of attainment must be adjusted continually to ensure that the opportunity to live well is broadly shared.


True Narratives

Technical and Analytical Readings


Documentary and Educational Films


Fictional Narratives

Novels and children's books:

Children’s literature is replete with books about and encouraging sharing. Lists include those at:

From the dark side:

Two hostile troops on a field of battle are two wrestlers. It is a question of seizing the opponent round the waist. The one seeks to trip up the other. They clutch at everything: a bush is a point of support; an angle of the wall offers them a rest to the shoulder; for the lack of a hovel under whose cover they can draw up, a regiment yields its ground; an unevenness in the ground, a chance turn in the landscape, a cross-path encountered at the right moment, a grove, a ravine, can stay the heel of that colossus which is called an army, and prevent its retreat. He who quits the field is beaten; hence the necessity devolving on the responsible leader, of examining the most insignificant clump of trees, and of studying deeply the slightest relief in the ground. [Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (1862), Volume II – Cosette; Book First – Waterloo, Chapter IV, “A”.]


From the dark side:

Music: Composers, artists, and major works

Jazz at the Philharmonic: marvelous musicians, sharing the limelight, their egos mainly checked at the door. “Devised by record producer Norman Granz back in the 1940s, Jazz at the Philharmonic brought together mainstream jazz artists with the radical forces of bebop, and lead to the founding of the classic jazz record label, Verve. Beginning with ground-breaking multiracial tours of the USA, Granz was soon organising overseas tours under the JATP banner that brought the greatest jazz musicians of the day to concert venues around the world to perform spotlight sets and impromptu jam sessions.” The project continued for many years after that. Concerts include:

Camille Saint-Saëns, Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor, Op. 33, R. 193 (1872) (approx. 20-23’) “makes effective, occasionally showy, use of the solo cello without ever degrading the part with empty virtuosity. It is a tightly knit work as well, written in three compact movements that connect without pause.” “Sir Donald Francis Tovey later wrote 'Here, for once, is a violoncello concerto in which the solo instrument displays every register without the slightest difficulty in penetrating the orchestra.' The orchestra clearly plays a role beyond that of mere accompaniment, 'as this work never succumbs to the imbalance frequently encountered in cello concertos whereby for long stretches the soloist is seen bowing furiously but is scarcely heard.'” Top recorded performances are by du Pré (Barenboim) in 1971, Isserlis (Tilson Thomas) in 1993, Walton (Briger) in 2000, Gabetta (Rasilajnen) in 2004, Moser (Bollon) in 2008, Schwabe (Soustrot) in 2017, Müller-Schott (Bloch) in 2021, and Philippe (Eschenbach) in 2023.

A piano trio is a small community, consisting of a pianist, a violinist and a cellist. Unlike a string quartet, where the first violinist usually takes the leading part, the piano trio form lends itself to a value such as equality. However, British sensibilities are too reserved for that. Piano trios from British composers more nearly evoke a more fundamental sense of sharing.


From the dark side:

Music: songs and other short pieces


Visual Arts

Film and Stage

This Is Our Story

A religion of values and Ethics, driven by love and compassion, informed by science and reason.


First ingredient: Distinctions. What is the core and essence of being human? What is contentment, or kindliness, or Love? What is gentleness, or service, or enthusiasm, or courage? If you follow the links, you see at a glance what these concepts mean.


This site would be incomplete without an analytical framework. After you have digested a few of the examples, feel free to explore the ideas behind the model. I would be remiss if I did not give credit to my inspiration for this work: the Human Faith Project of Calvin Chatlos, M.D. His demonstration of a model for Human Faith began my exploration of this subject matter.


A baby first begins to learn about the world by experiencing it. A room may be warm or cool. The baby learns that distinction. As a toddler, the child may strike her head with a rag doll, and see that it is soft; then strike her head with a wooden block, and see that it is hard. Love is a distinction: she loves me, or she doesn’t love me. This is true of every human value:

justice, humility, wisdom, courage . . . every single one of them.

This site is dedicated to exploring those distinctions. It is based on a model of values that you can read about on the “About” page. However, the best way to learn about what is in here is the same as the baby’s way of learning about the world: open the pages, and see what happens.

ants organic action machines

Octavio Ocampo, Forever Always

Jacek Yerka, House over the Waterfall

Norman Rockwell, Carefree Days Ahead


When you open, you will see a human value identified at the top of the page. The value changes daily. These values are designed to follow the seasons of the year.

You will also see an overview of the value, or subject for the day, and then two columns of materials.

The left-side column presents true narratives, which include biographies, memoirs, histories, documentary films and the like; and also technical and analytical writings.

The right-side columns presents the work of the human imagination: fictional novels and stories, music, visual art, poetry and fictional film.

Each entry is presented to help identify the value. Open some of the links and experience our human story, again. It belongs to us all, and each of us is a part of it.

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The Work on the Meditations